Company's response


There are several reasons that lead Tencent made unethical decisions. Firstly, social issue. As you may recall, in my previous blog, I mentioned in the past few decades, the most of digital content can be downloaded for free, which means in China, the people’s conscious of protect intellectual property rights is relatively weak, compare to western countries. According to U.S Patent Statistic chart calendar in 2010, the total utility patent applications are around 240 thousands (Chart, 2020), while in China, it is only around 80 thousands (Unknown, 2020), by compare the numbers above, we can see the numbers in China is only one third of the numbers in US. Above all we can see the conscious of people in china protected their intellectual property right is very weak.

We know from previous blog that Tencent has bullying other small companies and stolen their ideas. For example, back to 2004, QQ game stolen the platform design from its competitor Lianzhong World platform, which designed in 2003 (UnKnown, n.d.). However, Tencent never saying anything about the ethical situation or make any statement of why they did unethical action.

From above we can see the design of the game platform is very similar
This picture is credit to:

There are some report claimed that such things happened is not due to higher level or management fault, however, it was because the designer or the developer are lack of the conscious of protecting other’s intellectual property right, in other word, they have not been educated or trained with such information (Cook, 2019). Since the lack of law’s knowledge is a society issue, therefore we cannot only blame Tencent for plagiarizing, but also need to educate the society to do a better job in educate and inform employee the knowledge of law. Recently, Tencent had established Tencent Academy, which Through the design of career development channels and the corresponding perfect law training system, Tencent strive to become the growth consultant of Tencent employees and the development partner of the business team, and cultivate talents for Tencent and society's present and future(Tencent, 2020).

I agree that Tencent is trying to come up with the best solution for itself and this whole society, since people with its professional skills education are not hard to find, but people equipped with knowledge on both laws and professional skills is barely to find, Tencent academy can help society with training more ethical employees.


Chart, U. P. (2020). U.S. Patent Statistics Chart. Retrieved from U.S. PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE:

Cook, S. (2019, March 28). Worried about Huawei? Take a closer look at Tencent. Retrieved from The Japan times:

Tencent. (2020). Tencent Academy. Retrieved from Tencent:

Unknown. (2020, March). Statistic Country Profiles. Retrieved from WIPO:

UnKnown. (n.d.). The death Tencent plagiarism company which users a message:? No explosion models do not plagiarism Tencent! Retrieved from ProgrammerSought:



  1. It is interesting that China has a lot less patents than the United States. For being so advanced, you would think that they would have more rules and regulations regarding property and idea rights. Do you think that China will be adding more rights and patents in the future? Also, I wonder if the cultural differences between the United States and China has something to do with Tencent not realizing that they are plagiarizing. From my view, plagiarism is completely wrong and company's in the U.S. would get punished for it. Perhaps Tencent does not realize that they are committing a wrong doing. Or maybe they know but don't care because they know they will not get in to trouble.

    1. Hi Alexis, thank you for your thoughtful comment! The total patent claimed in China in recent years are keeping increase. I think this social issue is not due to culture difference between U.S. and China, it just because China was lack of the concious of protecting intellectual property. I think in order to solve this problem, government need to publish some regulatory and laws to punish this kind of unethical action.

  2. A company that is exploiting society's weakness in law is completely immoral. Business is business, if your competitor is doing a better job than you, than you may go out of business. However, if the competitor is beating your company by being unfair and unethical, that is a different story.

    1. I agree with you! What is more, Tencent is the titan of the industry, not just a small company ran out of the idea or creation. Tencent is bad leader for other small companies, and small companies will usually will imitate what big company did to make money.


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