Some Suggestions


If you are asking me which ethical frameworks Tencent was in, I will definitely say with no doubt that it is teleological, in egoism method, since they are more focus on self-interest, and the self-interesting is playing a major role in their motivation and action when it  comes to decision making(Sturgeon, 2020). However, they are not ethical egoism, since what they did was hurting the other small companies and its users’ interest, in a result, Tencent was not an Ethical Egoism.  I think what they can improve is they should stop using the shady tactics and stole the ideas from other small companies. Since you may recall the Tencent total equity is around half trillion in China and Tencent is definitely not a small company that want to get inspirit and idea from other Titan of the industry. It is not a chime to make the easy money from the blooming game marketing, but it is very unethical to bully other competitors by using shady strategies. I am not expecting Tencent will become a virtue company in a short time, but they can try to become an ethical egoism, and make the ethical money. The detailed solutions are as followed:

Firstly, create a healthy competitive gaming social environment. By doing that, China’s gaming market can thrive and develop better, since sometimes by compete with other can die out the companies with no innovation and new ideas, which can give gaming companies more pressure and more motivation to work hard.

Secondly, Tencent, as a titan of industry should position themselves as the leader of the market. They should hire the moral manager have a further eyesight on long term interest, who will not ignore the law and make unethical decisions to hurt other companies. Which also include offer more support to its own sub-company, which I am talking about Riot, which Tencent ripped the idea of creating the mobile game based on League of Legend.


Ethical Frameworks by Sturgeon, Shawn, 2020


  1. I think that your solutions are great and I completely agree with them. I think Tencent needs to hire new leaders and moral managers who will make ethical decisions. Also, you are right that competition among gaming companies is healthy and helps innovation and ideas for new games. Great work!

    1. Thank you for your positive comment! China's corporation and government should definately work harder to prevent this kind of action happen again.

  2. Agree with your solutions. Can a diverse, competitive gaming market enable a lot of companies to grow and boost the economy? I believe business should be conducted in a proper manner where everyone works their way to the top instead of one being on top. I think in the future we need to regulate laws and teach society about those laws.

    1. Hi Curtis, thank you for your thoughtful comment! In my option, if there the competition is existing in the market, the market will adjust the demand and need by the "invisible hand", therefore, the economy will keep developing. I agreed your opinion on the proper manner.


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